Our Quiver Quantitative review looks at this company, which offers the alt data and how to use it to the fullest in your trading. Have you heard of alternative data? It’s a free tool, so when it comes to those trading tools, free is always a good price. We will look at what they offer and how to use it in our Quiver Quant review.
You may have seen the phrase thrown around FinTwit or Reddit, but what does it even mean? Quant investing sounds like a futuristic and techy word. In reality, quant is just short for quantitative analysis, which is a fundamental look at the underlying numbers and historical data to predict the future behavior of the stock or option.
Table of Contents
Quiver Quantitative Review Introduction
Analysts can use this data to create algorithms and other computer models to make presumably profitable investing decisions. Is this starting to sound familiar? If you hang out on FinTwit, you’ve undoubtedly heard of people referring to the institutional algos, or algorithms, affecting the markets.
Most of these algos use quantitative analysis to form entry or exit prices and establish support and resistance levels. An estimated 70-80% of trades carried out on the U.S. markets are by algorithmic traders. Quant analysis is an important part of the financial world, so we’re doing this Quiver Quantitative review.
It’s a very clean and simple interface for users to learn, and after a few searches, it becomes clear how easy the site is to navigate.
Once you have searched for the stock you wish to research, you are presented with several data points that you can choose to look at. The first subgroup is View Data by Source.
At first glance, the site looks fairly basic without any advertising or distractions. But once you dive into the heart of Quiver Quantitative, you can quickly see just how valuable this information is. At the very top of your dashboard is a giant search bar, where you can enter the name of most stocks available on the U.S. markets.
Search Filters
These are different from your typical search filters when researching a stock. You won’t find things like price/earnings ratios or CAGR. But you’ll find some interesting alternative data sets that you can only find if you look independently. This first set of data points is linked to trading activity within the U.S. government.
Why is this significant? There’s a longstanding belief amongst retail investors that American politicians are engaged in insider trading and other corrupt methods of gathering early information about publicly traded companies. A prime example of this was the recently exposed trading activity of Nancy Pelosi and her husband, who owns a California Venture Capital firm. The couple bought several million dollars worth of Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) call options a couple of weeks before the company was handed a massive $22 billion deal with the U.S. Army.
Retail investors suspicious of what our politicians are doing with their portfolios can track things like Senate Trading, House Trading, and Government Contracts. So now you can keep track of what Nancy Pelosi is trading in her account.
Public Market Sentiment
The next subgroup is another important one for retail and institutional investors, which is why it’s in our Quiver Quantitative review. It’s the public market sentiment for your chosen stock. It shows the company’s corporate Twitter popularity, how often it is mentioned on certain Reddit subgroups like r/WallStreetBets, and how many people have viewed the company’s Wikipedia page.
These are all very simple metrics but indicate how retail investors research a given stock, which we wouldn’t know without this Quiver Quant review.
Quiver Quantitative even offers a cool-looking trend map that tells you exactly how much a certain stock is trending by how many times it’s mentioned in r/WallStreetBets. It also provides a color-themed temperature gauge to show if the talk is heating up or cooling off.
Quiver Quantitative Stock Popularity
Interestingly enough, Quiver Quantitative also provides charts for each stock’s popularity on some non-traditional investing sites like Hackernews and StackOverflow, two websites devoted more to computer programming than everyday investing. The final main subgroup of data topics are qualitative analysis points that you can look into, such as Insider Trading, CEO Compensation, and even the frequency and destinations of corporate jets registered to each company.
Hedge fund managers routinely track these flights to determine where and when the next potential deals will be. This is some truly next-level research that Quiver Quantitative is providing to retail investors for free! That makes us excited about this Quiver Quantitative review.
Insider Trading
The jury’s still out on whether or not Insider Trading should be important to our long-term thesis of a company. We can all agree that when insiders buy more shares of their company, it’s far more significant than when insiders sell shares. When insiders sell, it’s not necessarily indicative of how they feel about the company.
Instead, it’s often done to free up capital tied to stock-based compensation. A perfect example of this is when companies IPO or make a direct listing. There’s usually a lockup period expiry after a few months, meaning insiders are free to sell shares locked up during the IPO phase.
An example of this that made recent headlines was when executives of the data-analytics company Palantir (NYSE: PLTR) sold tens of millions of dollars in stock once the lockup expiry period ended, causing a massive dip in the price of Palantir’s stock. It is nice to know this Quiver Quant review lets us know we can see where insider trading takes place, and sometimes that can be a great stock signal.
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Other Tools
The final subgroup is vaguely titled Other Tools. It’s safe to presume that the team at Quiver Quantitative is looking for new categories to add to the search pages. And this seems like a perfect group to add them to. Here, you can search only three different data points: COVID-19 research, Patent Search, and Corporate Lobbying.
COVID-19 research is specific to biotech and pharmaceutical companies and keeps track of each specific firm’s clinical study progress for vaccine candidates. The COVID-19 vaccine sector was among the most popular over the past year. And as the world continues to demand more doses, Quiver Quantitative keeps investors updated on how the rest of the companies are doing.
The Patent Search is an interesting option. This allows users to search for any existing patent granted by a government agency like the FDA. The heat map-type diagram is a little difficult and probably isn’t the most user-friendly way of doing it. It has a scatterplot of all of the current patents approved. But the result is a jumbled mess.
Each dot represents a patent. It gives a brief background on each, as well as the stock ticker symbol that it’s associated with. Investors in early-stage biotech and medtech companies will probably find this screen extremely useful, even if it isn’t the most organized layout.
Quiver Quantitative Founder
In this Quiver Quantitative review, we found that James Kardatzke is the CEO and co-founder of Quiver Quant. It says co-founder. However, a search didn’t turn up the other person who helped to found the company. But it’s still a relatively new company. It’s less than three years old. We’ll see if it is, and then they will start charging for it.
Or they could offer a free and paid version with more search capabilities. Keep an eye on this Quiver Quant review to see any updates or changes that could come at some point.
Final Thoughts: Quiver Quantitative Review
We found in our Quiver Quantitative review that there’s a lot to like. For a site over a year old, it’s easy to get excited about what it could eventually evolve into. Signing up for a free account is simple and only takes a minute. The layout is simple and easy to navigate. The site flows intuitively, with very little clicking around or going back and forth between pages.
There isn’t much in terms of instruction or data analysis and how you can use it for stocks. But it’s probably because Quiver Quantitative doesn’t want this to be mistaken as providing financial advice on which stocks to buy.
Do you think the data is useful? Sure! It gives retail investors a rare look at what institutional investors pay big money to see. And it’s a step in the right direction of leveling the playing field for the little guys on Wall Street. The data is great. But it probably won’t make up much of your due diligence on a stock.
It’s more like adding interesting facts that may or may not indicate how a stock will move. For now, it’s free. You’ll never find information like this when studying a company’s balance sheet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Quiver Quantitative uses both past industry and academic research to estimate the predictive power of each security purchase made by corporate insiders.
Quiver Quantitative is a subscription-based model, but they offer users a free trial during sign-up.
Investors cannot purchase shares of Quiver Quantitative because the company is privately held.
Quiver Quantitative offers a 30 day free trial on their annual plan. They offer a 7 day free trial on a monthly Hobbyist, Trader or Enterprise plan.