In our Stash App Review, you’ll find out if the stash app is legit for a trader or investor. Have you been searching the web for an easy way to start saving and investing and looking into Stash Invest? Do you already have savings that you’d like to invest somewhere? Are you confused about how? You might be on the right track if you are considering the Stash App from Stash Invest. After all, the one question that prompted the app’s creation is, “Where should I put my money?”
Stash is a legitmate app. They do more than Robo-Advisors such as Acorns, Betterment, or Wealthfront. Stash is designed to educate you on how to start investing using a portfolio of ETFs and a limited selection of individual stocks like Apple, Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, and Amazon, even if you have a small account thanks to Fractional Share Investing.
Table of Contents
Stash App Review Introduction
After spending 30 years combined working on Wall Street, Brandon Krieg and Ed Robinson, co-founders of Stash, were often asked by their co-workers about where to invest their extra money. Recognizing that millions of people in the USA didn’t know how to go about investing, in 2015, they launched the Stash app.
They made a good move. Nowadays, people are curious about the Stash App. They are searching for answers to questions like “Is Stash Invest legitimate?”, “Can you make money with Stash?” or “What is the stash monthly fee?”.
We’ll address some of these today in our Stash App Review. If your question is “What is the best app for investing?” our Stash App review may help you decide.
Did you know that according to a 2018 Forbes article, millennials (born between the early 80s and the late 90s) are better at building their savings accounts than their portfolios? People know where to save money.
Is Investing Easy?
It’s pretty darn easy to find a bank. I mean, easy. But is investing truly easy? Researching the market and finding good stocks can be overwhelming and time-consuming, and according to Forbes, investing is scary for millennials. Who can blame them?
The Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 spooked them before many had a chance to build a portfolio. Movies like The Big Short have dramatically impacted young investors who weren’t playing in the market in 08 and 09.
Even if you are from the GenX or Baby Boomers generation, you may hear a little – but persistent voice in the back of your mind that sounds like the flailing arms robot from the old classic Lost in Space TV show. Check out a list of the top trading apps that pair well with Stash.
Using the Stash App to invest is incredibly simple, making it a great option for many who don’t want to be bothered with timing the market and complicated processes for buying and selling stocks.
COURSE | | | |
DESCRIPTION | Learn how to read penny stock charts, premarket preparation, target buy and sell zones, scan for stocks to trade, and get ready for live day trading action | Learn how to buy and sell options, assignment options, implement vertical spreads, and the most popular strategies, and prepare for live options trading | How to read futures charts, margin requirements, learn the COT report, indicators, and the most popular trading strategies, and prepare for live futures trading |
INCLUDED | Daily watch lists • Trade rooms • Trading scanners • Discord • Live streaming Day Trading > | Daily watch lists • Trade rooms • Options scanners • Discord • Live streaming Options > | Futures target levels • Trade rooms • Real time teaching • Discord • Live streaming Futures > |
Is Stash a Good Investment App?
According to Stash CEO Brandon Krieg, the investment app is good for helping you learn the ropes of investing, choose investments, and know where your money is going. Of course, the more you learn about the stock market, the more confident you will become about investing. We’ll go into more in this Stash App review.
Stash currently has over 40 investment themes: ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) bundles and stocks or bonds based on a sector or a theme.
But first, you will establish your risk profile, which is determined based on your age, investment time horizon, and investment goals.
Then, Stash presents you with a list of investment options from which to choose. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete the investment profile by answering questions like:
- What type of investor do you see yourself as? (Conservative, Moderate, Aggressive)
- What’s your employment status?
- What’s your approximate net worth?
- When do you think you’ll use the money you save and invest?
- What’s your marital status?
- And how many of your children are under 18?
- Do you own a home?
- What’s your level of investing experience?
- Do you currently have a retirement account?
Check out a list of the top trading companies.
Stash App Fees and Pricing Review
The Stash app fee structure is simple. Your first month is free. After that, Stash Beginner costs $1 per month. Stash Growth is $3 a month. And Stash+ is $9 a month. There are even cheaper ways to invest in the stock market with apps like Robinhood or Acorns, both acting as micro-savings apps. However, Stash offers added value you won’t easily find in other investment apps.
Here are a few examples:
- Auto Stash — Schedule times to deposit automatically into your Stash account.
- Stash Retire — Stash offers Roth IRA accounts with a minimum of $15.
- Smart-Save is a feature that calculates when you’ve got spare cash, and then saves a small percentage of it. Plus, savings in your Stash account will earn interest.
- Custodial Accounts — Maintain a Stash account on behalf of someone under 18.
- Stash Coach — A fun program to help you whip your portfolio into shape.
How Much Money Is Needed?
Once you start being active with the app, Stash will feed you tips to improve your portfolio. In other words, you will receive guidance on an ongoing basis so that you can build a better portfolio. Hopefully, this Stash App review has helped you already.
Don’t let those fractions scare you. These fractions will get you into the big leagues of stocks – Stash allows investors on their platform to split a single share of a big stock or ETF between themselves.
Particularly with a smartphone-based micro-investment app like Stash. It is both a personal finance app and an investment education app. It will help you save money regularly on top of investing in select stocks and funds.
Frequently Asked Questions
Investors cannot purchase shares of Stash App because the company is privately held.