Are you looking for an Antsignals review? What is it, and how can you use it to help your trading? We need all the help we can get, right? “Cat: Where are you going? Alice: Which way should I go? Cat: That depends on where you are going. Alice: I don’t know. Cat: Then, it doesn’t matter which way you go.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
I want you to think of a trading journal as a roadmap. Without one, you wander through the noise and confusion of the markets, just like Alice.
Sadly, many people think they’re gimmicks and forgo the many benefits they could attain if they kept these journals.
Today, I will review one of the latest and upcoming trading journals on the market, Antsignals. Not only is it cutting-edge, it’s affordable and pays dividends long after your initial investment.
Table of Contents
Antsignals Review Introduction
We will delve into this Antsignals review because we’re big believers in journaling our trades. Trading is a great way to see what you did right and wrong. Do tools like Flowtrade help? What setup gives you the best trades? If you journal, you’ll know what works for you.
Talk to any successful trader worldwide, and you’ll find one common theme. They all journal their trades. From giving you the ability to track and monitor your progress and identify areas of improvement to nailing down winning trading strategies, the benefits of trading journals are plenty. Apart from this, trading journals can even be used to test the waters before you dive into an unfamiliar market! And this is where our Antsignals review comes in.
One of the best advice I ever received when I started trading was to focus on mastering one setup. Mastering one setup is done by making it the only setup you think about or look for when trading. You essentially eat, breathe, and sleep this setup until you feel confident you know it inside and out.
Professional traders have a tried and tested strategy with strict criteria for when they will enter a stock.
Right now, for me, it’s the Wolfe wave reversal. Since August, I’ve been focusing on swing trading this setup. I trade every angle and market condition if the setup is right.
When I execute the trade, I write the market conditions in my journal and whether the setup excelled or underperformed. I aim to uncover all the information I can until I become consistently profitable.
With the Antsignals review visual below, I can easily see that this setup works. Since I like to keep things simple, I will focus only on this strategy in the future.
Finding Setups That Make Money
For those of you who have a few setups, how do you know which ones make you money? You don’t unless you have a journal I can look back on.
With a journal, you can identify which patterns are costing you money so you can stop trading them. More importantly, it frees your mind to focus on the most profitable ones. Once found, you’ll find your edge in the markets.
Position Size
Did you know your position or trade size is more important than your entry and exit points when trading stocks? How you trade, your sizing, risk management, entries, and exits determine your success.
Even if you have the best strategy on the planet, if your trade size is too big or too small, you’ll take too much or too little risk. The former scenario is more of a concern, as risking too much will quickly evaporate your trading account.
Your job as a trader is not to buy and sell stocks but to manage your risk. Things go sideways for many in trading when they don’t have these well-defined criteria.
Career day traders use a risk-management approach called the 1 percent risk rule or vary it slightly to fit their trading methods.
A trading journal will show you where you might be making mistakes in managing risk. Perhaps you’re taking on too much risk for the rewards you get, or your average risk is too much for your account size. Your Antsignals trading journal can show you this using AverageR and Average Risk.
Let’s take a look at this a little closer. If I risk $40 (1R), I expect to profit by at least $80 (2R). Put another way, my average should be at least more than one because if it’s smaller, it means I’m risking more than I win.
As you can see in the image above, my R was -0.28, which was not a smart trade. When you purchase Antsignals, you can easily track your risk-to-reward ratios, and you can focus on improving this ratio.
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Drilling Down
You’ll hit what you’re aiming for. If you have a goal, write it down. How much do you want to make in profits each day? $200, $400, $600?
How many contracts do you need to trade to make your set amount? At what point will you cut your losses? If you do not write it down, you do not have a goal – you have a wish.
What you do in each area – from picking the right stocks to choosing the proper lot size, is most responsible for your success. Keeping a list of your trades, profits, and losses in a daily/weekly scorecard will allow you to evaluate yourself in real-time.
Armed with this information, you can quickly identify areas for improvement, set goals, and take corrective actions. This is exactly what Antsignals will help you with.
Their easy-to-read chart layout shows you the winning setups and gives you space to note your mistakes. Hence, our Antsignals review.
Stop Following the Heard
You need to learn from others, but you need to learn from yourself as well. Unsuccessful traders spend little time pondering their losing trades. They don’t bother to ask specific questions like what if I choose a different moving average or reduce my risk.
The time you spend trading is not the same as time spent practicing. You need to have a structured process for reviewing your trading that allows you to systematically identify what you’ve done right and what you’ve done wrong.
Keeping a trading journal will help you navigate times when you fall off the rails. Just look at the image above. I can note where I made mistakes, such as trading a stock not in my plan or entering because of FOMO.
Practice begins with breaking your performance down into individual parts and keeping the score of each area. Remember that if you are not continuously keeping track of your gains and losses, you won’t be improving as a trader.
Writing in a journal is a great first step, but those entries don’t guide concrete goal-setting and efforts at improvement.
Have you honestly maintained your trading strategy long enough to have the ability to analyze which small tweaks might help? For me, reviewing my trades is critical, but even more important is the review of my equity curve.
Doing so lets you take a bird’s eye view of your trading performance. I promise you will see some of the same patterns in price charts if you plot your equity curve.
Sometimes, I am so worried that I will lose I end up trading too small a lot size that I slowly erode any gains and end up losing money with all the commissions. The real shift came when I adjusted my strategy to trade only Wolfe reversals.
Before you go into each trade, reviewing your equity curve first is better. When you review your equity curve first, you can see clearly as day psychologically how you are processing market information.
This will let you know if you unintentionally sabotage yourself or your system. And our Antsignals review will help you know they’re right for you.
Stock Signals & Alerts
Identify Your Peak Performance
Our greatest strengths–what makes us successful as people, spouses, and traders–depend upon our energy levels.
Our cognitive strengths and ability to detect real-time patterns and dig beneath the surface to identify themes require high clarity and alertness. Energy is vital to anyone operating in a high-performance field such as trading.
We all know people who do their best work from 8 pm on. Others like me prefer to have their most challenging task of the day (i.e., trading) done by 11 am. I am the sharpest in the early morning and fade in the afternoon.
Sometimes, I slip into the day trading room or look at charts late, but I’m tired and not focused. This is a dangerous situation for any trader to be in.
Why I Love Antsignals
Love AntSignals because it tells you the time of day you perform the best trading. I know I have Rockstar concentration and energy early in the day; AntSignals only confirms this. Please take a peek at a snapshot from their trading journal grouped by the day and the hour!
Friday is not a good day to trade for this trader, which makes sense when digging deeper. Friday represents the end of a three-12-hour night shift stretch.
I wouldn’t be making any money if I had to trade on no sleep. However, Monday is their best day, at 4:00 pm. Let’s say it is likely because they’ve had a whole weekend at home to rest and are focused.
Without a doubt, keeping track of all your trades can reveal some great insights. CAntsignals can nail down your peak performance hour but also your best chart time frame to trade. To that end, I encourage you to identify your peak times and stick with them.
Antsignals Pricing Review
Not much compared to what else is on the market. Your first 400 trades are free! The Plus version will only cost you back $13.84 monthly, while the Pro version is $31.11 monthly.
Final Thoughts: Antsignals Review
Hopefully, our Antsignals review helped you. Journaling your trades is integral to long-term success; it’s not a one-time-only endeavor.
Simple mistakes can be incredibly costly and deadly for traders who risk thousands of dollars each day without proper analysis. Antsignals gives beautiful charts with detailed reports to help traders improve their performance.
You don’t want to find yourself in a position like Alice. Luckily, Antsignals will provide you with the roadmap to excel in your trading journey. As I mentioned above, you’ll hit what you’re aiming for, so know exactly what you want and where you’re going.
Frequently Asked Questions
A trading journal helps you keep track of what you do that's right and wrong with your trading.
Most trading journals don't have anyone checking them for you. A third party could see something you don't that helps you trade better.
Trading journals should have entries, exits, support and resistance, patterns, and trends notated. That way you can see what and how you trade.
There is a reason companies like AntSignals exist. They compile and keep the trading data you enter so you know what to do moving forward for more success.
Investors cannot purchase shares of Antsignals because the company is privately held.