Do you own a Segway? If so, your stock may be worth much more than you think. According to recent reports, the value of Segway stock has been on the rise and is expected to grow in importance in the coming years. So, if you’re looking for an investment that will pay off, Segway stock may be just what you’re looking for.
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Segway stock appears to be holding steady at about $$30 a share. The company filed for bankruptcy protection in 2017 but has since come out of it and is moving forward under new owners. Segways are pretty cool. But Segway stock certainly isn’t exciting.
Segway is coming late to the game in terms of Hoverboards. Over 20 other companies already have Hoverboards on sale. Their stock price is lower per share ($30/share). And Segways aren’t cheap ($1000+) regarding cost per hoverboard.
Also, Segways require some extensive skills for those learning to use them. Segway hoverboards aren’t as fast as Segway scooters. And Segway Hoverboards cannot be used outside. Segways are portable, but Segway stock isn’t. Finally, Segway comes with a warranty on its electronics compared to other brands that do not have a warranty.
The Hoverboard market in the U. S. is estimated at US $396.8 Million in 2020.
Segway Hoverboards
The segway hoverboard is a small, personal transporter that uses a gyroscopic sensor to balance and carry one person up to 11mph. It’s about the size of a giant skateboard and can go almost anywhere, indoors or outdoors.
These devices are also called mini segways, glide boards, or hands-free Segway boards and have become one of the most popular gifts of the holiday season.
The segway hoverboard uses a computer in its handlebars to know where the rider is and constantly adjusts itself using motors in the wheels to balance the board. The maximum range of a segway hoverboard is about 12 miles, depending on rider weight and conditions. It has a max speed of 11 mph.
A segway hoverboard starts at around $450 and depends mainly on brand and capabilities. It’s best for people who want personal transport that goes anywhere but don’t want or need to drive their car everywhere they go, which can help Segway stock.
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Things to Keep in Mind When Buying a Segway
When it comes to buying a Segway board, there are a few essential things you should keep in mind before giving your credit card number away:
- First, these products vary greatly in quality and reliability, so careful research is necessary before purchasing. An excellent place to start would be this Amazon Link, where you can read reviews from other customers who bought their own Segway boards on Amazon.
- Second, make sure to check what type of certification the device has. For example, all Segway boards must have UL2272 safety certification or equivalent that certifies that the battery packs used in these devices are safe for consumer use.
- Third, don’t be fooled into buying a cheap imitation. Just because it’s advertised as a hands-free Segway board doesn’t mean it’s real. The only way to determine if your purchase is good quality is by checking the reviews and ratings on similar Segway devices sold on Amazon.
- Fourth, if you have a limited budget that doesn’t allow you to buy the best Segway board, consider buying second-hand. Many devices on Craigslist and eBay are sold for a fraction of the price. However, please remember that these devices may need repairs before use.
- Finally, and probably the most important thing to keep in mind before you buy one, is that these devices are not intended for anyone under the age of 14
Segway Stock Alternatives
There are various alternatives present in the market that imitate Segway in multiple ways. The Hoverboard industry is booming. And different companies have entered it.
The market has become diverse, with various companies to invest in, as the Segway stock has become expensive. The best brands similar to Segway Hoverboard are EPIKGO, Razor, and Airwheel, with most models costing between $450 and $550. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for a few Segway Stock Alternatives.
1. Razor
Razor is known for its high-performance electric scooters, such as the Razorsharks, pocket ramps, Pocket Mod, and, of course, its ever-famous scooters.
Not to mention their recent release of the Razor Hovertrax, a two-wheeled board that can be worn around one’s feet.
On January 19th, 2016, Razor released its latest edition of the 2nd generation Hovertrax for an MSRP of $1,499.00 US dollars. So, Razor is your perfect choice if you’re looking to invest in a stable hoverboard company.
The EPIKGO is an all-terrain hoverboard electric scooter. It can drive on almost any surface: grass, dirt, etc. This groundbreaking technology will change forever how people commute in urban areas. EPIKGO is a private company whose stocks are plunging due to the technological changes it’s brought to the people. So it’s the perfect opportunity to buy.
3. Airwheel Technology Holding Ltd.
The company was established in 2013 and is the world’s leading electric unicycle manufacturer. As an innovative man-machine product, Airwheel electric unicycles apply to family entertainment and sports activities, traveling, commuting, etc. Airwheel is a holding company that holds stocks of other companies. Therefore, investing in the company can provide profitable gains in the future. Airwheel electric unicycles also provide various models and features, from entry-level to professional use. Therefore, they are the best option for choosing the best electric unicycle for you.
Final Thoughts: Segway Stock
Segway stock price has been rising for years. They’re expected to continue their growth in value over time. Undoubtedly, it can be challenging to find an investment opportunity worth your money these days. Many alternatives are available, with many looking to make some extra cash. In addition, the Hoverboard industry may not have as much prominence as Segway does now. Still, if you want something miming their product without the same restrictions, Airwheel or Razor would be suitable investments. If you need help deciding which might work best for you, don’t hesitate to contact Bullish Bears.